Our mission is to empower youth and young adults to build a better future for themselves. Recognizing the need for greater reach of entrepreneurship education and training, we've developed and launched our BIZ-TRAIN Academy (BTA). The BTA is developing entrepreneurial mindsets in youth and young adults.
Complete an ONLINE COURSE, a self-paced course for middle and high school students where they learn the basics of starting, running, and growing a business. It serves to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in youth and young adults.
WE CAN WORK IT OUT INC. (WCWIO) has a youth entrepreneurship program offering free online business courses for kids aged 12-16.
WCWIO’s BIZ-TRAIN ACADEMY is offering free business classes to teach students how-to generate business ideas, identify customers, and determine their competitive advantage. Plus, they get an introduction to becoming a business owner and explore topics that are critical to building and maintaining financial resiliency.
BIZ-TRAIN ACADEMY Phase I is a 7-week series of workshops held for youth ages 12-16 to get the guidance they need to start and run a business before moving into Phase II. In the workshops youth will learn:
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
What is My Business?
Who's My Customer?
What is My Advantage?
Short-term and long-term financial and personal needs
How to manage and save for essential needs by exploring topics that are critical to build and maintain financial resiliency
How to keep count of their books for bookkeeping
BIZ-TRAIN ACADEMY Schedule Fee: Free to all ages 12-16
Participants Needed: 32
Weeks: 7
Duration: 1 hour
Weekly Day: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: Online/Zoom
In today’s highly dynamic, interconnected world, the need for entrepreneurial thinkers at all levels of society has never been greater. Policymakers from the White House to the World Economic Forum recognize entrepreneurial thinking as an essential life skill for anyone to thrive in the 21st Century.
An entrepreneurial mindset exposes opportunities, ignites ambition, and fosters the attitudes and skills that can empower anyone to succeed.
Entrepreneurs are the engines that drive an innovative and dynamic economy and cultivating entrepreneurial activity can help turn around the long-term downward trends in new business creation for African Americans. In addition to supporting existing entrepreneurs, underserved communities need to cultivate new entrepreneurial members of their society that can generate new business, contribute to community solutions and positive change. This helps cultivate an entrepreneurial culture where individuals want to placemake. Placemaking capitalizes on an underserved community's assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people's health, happiness, and well-being.
The entrepreneurial process is a process of pursuing a new venture that involves more than just problem solving in a typical management position. An entrepreneur must find, evaluate, and develop an opportunity by overcoming the forces that resist the creation of something new.
"You can't create an entrepreneurial community, they create themselves. You can create the conditions in which entrepreneurs choose to innovate. You can work across government and universities and private-public partnership lines to make it easier for entrepreneurs to start and grow companies." —Peter DeSilva, President, Scottrade, Inc.
An entrepreneurship ecosystem is the social and economic environment affecting local or regional entrepreneurs. Businesses who locate within places serving as incubators for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, have a greater chance of success.
The entrepreneurial ecosystem is a set of different individuals who can be potential or existing entrepreneurs, organizations that support entrepreneurship that can be businesses, venture capitalist, business angels and banks, as well as institutions like universities, public sector agencies and the entrepreneurial processes that occur inside the ecosystem such as the business birth rate, the number of high potential growth firms, the serial entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial ambition (Mason & Brown, 2014).
These entities are formally and informally interconnected creating a performance within the local entrepreneurial environment. So that a system can function together, the interaction between these subsystems must be done so they can reach their purpose (Mason & Brown, 2014).
Entrepreneurial ecosystems can be defined as a set of interdependent actors and factors coordinated in such a way that they enable productive entrepreneurship within a particular territory. Systemic conditions are the heart of the ecosystem and include networks of entrepreneurs, leadership, finance, talent, knowledge, and support services. Key outcomes include local and regional economic growth (productivity, employment, networks between entrepreneurs and enterprises, and innovation).
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are formed as a combination of social, political, economic and cultural elements within a region. The entrepreneurial ecosystem improvement created by the different elements generates support to develop and help to grow the startups that are being built up. As well, new entrepreneurs are encouraged to risk and start looking for funding for their projects (Stam & Spigel, 2016).
Entrepreneurial opportunity emerges at the nexus of individual aspirations with economic and social conditions perceived as favorable to create a new product or service, either in an existing market or a new one. “More and more Black athletes and entertainers are looking to expand beyond the field of expertise that gained them fame, notoriety and riches, and leverage these positions to help them make their same mark in the world of business. There are Black people who successfully transitioned from their respective art or sport, turning themselves into well-respected businesspeople and a positive example of what entrepreneurship looks like.” (excerpt from THE FINAL CALL, V#38, #30, April 2019) Inspired by research on the importance of entrepreneurship for sustained economic growth and improved wellbeing, we seek to implement policies and programs intended to support entrepreneurs. With a growing appreciation of the limits of strategies focused narrowly on financing or training entrepreneurs, our efforts have shifted to more broad-based strategies aimed at enabling African American entrepreneurial ecosystems at the local and regional scale.
We help people turn their business ideas into reality by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and support network in Sacramento, California. Whether it's our classes, networking events, mentorship, or connections to resources we’re here to provide nurturing community support that allows ideas to develop and flourish over time.
Hope is stronger than ever at the BIZ-TRAIN ACADEMY. Driven by Father Greg’s (HOMEBOY Industries) constant refrain, “there is no us and them, only us," we remain more committed than ever to our essential mission of providing hope, training and support to youth and young adults. Our focus is on educating, training, coaching, mentoring and developing Black entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship needs to be a mindset, cultivated and nurtured from an early age. Regardless of whether you want to start your own business or take ownership of your own career, in today’s world, an entrepreneurial mindset is a necessity.
We want to advance academic knowledge, but also provide better guidance for policy makers and other stakeholders actively engaged in the creation and management of such ecosystems.
Entrepreneurs who build something from nothing think differently. Rather than wait for success to come to them, they focus on setting their own attainable goals and provide themselves with the means to achieve them. Your career can benefit from this type of mindset.
Entrepreneurial thinking is the ability to see things differently than the rest of the world but, it is not necessarily an inherent trait and can be easily developed or improved. It is more like a state of mind that opens your eyes to new learning opportunities and helps you grow in your role.
The entrepreneurial mindset is about a certain way of thinking — it is about the way in which you approach challenges and mistakes. It is about an inherent need to improve your skill set and to try and try again. ... The entrepreneurial mindset is what you need to propel yourself forward.
There’s a saying out there that entrepreneurs aren’t made, they’re born. We don’t believe that. Being an entrepreneur is something anyone can learn how to do.
But you need to have a core set of abilities and the right mindset first.
Did you know that by simply being optimistic, you’re more likely to succeed as an entrepreneur?
Research shows that the main difference between entrepreneurs and employees has to do with attitude, not hard skills.
Entrepreneurs dislike established structure. They’re great at networking, have a big vision, and the most important behavior of all: They’re comfortable with uncertainty.
We Can Work It Out does Business Packaging! The traditional business development process consists of many variations on a basic theme. However, many citizens do not participate in the process and, consequently, they benefit little from the prosperity it produces. A number of minority individuals are among these citizens. By and large, the business culture excludes them. Therefore, our business development services is a process through which business opportunities, capital, and know-how are brought together for the benefit of a minority group entrepreneur/operator (E/O) by providing a maximum input of technical assistance and involvement of resources in order to produce a plan for a viable business enterprise.
WCWIO (as business packager) acts for the minority entrepreneur/operator (E/O). We use our knowledge of the business culture and economic system to evaluate an opportunity and provide access to the technical know-how and capital required to start a viable business. WCWIO is the professional who knows how to make the minority business process work. When we succeed, the economic system works for the minority E/O as well as for the traditional entrepreneur. The minority E/O must still take risks, but the packager follows a set of fairly standardized procedures to produce the desired end product--a viable economic entity.
Being your own boss can be rewarding, but getting started is a daunting task. It can seem like you need a small fortune to get your business off the ground. But not all new ventures require investors or small-business loans. Even if you have less than $1,000 to invest, there are plenty of low-cost businesses that can help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.
Unless a program to implement the process is organized, business packaging does not produce desired results with significant scale and impact. An organized business packaging program is itself a basic departure from the traditional process, for it involves two other innovations in the traditional business development process.
First, the program must have a community dimension. This dimension comes from the responsive and responsible community leaders who become involved in the development process. They participate in setting program goals and making certain that these goals are consistent with minority community social and political objectives. They help plan the program. They help convince the community to contribute its financial resources and other support. In general, they give the program credibility in both the minority and majority communities.
Second, community dimension and the packaging process itself must be institutionalized to provide a base for continuous and effective operation of the minority business development process. The institutions must provide program and process continuity. Without it some individual businesses may be packaged but business development in a supportive community framework does not occur.
Why does CBD work so well for so many different health concerns?
First, an important note: Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice. This guide is for informational purposes only. CBD is a very safe substance and is generally well tolerated. However, it can interfere with certain medications. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner before taking CBD, especially if you are taking medication or have serious health concerns.
How can one substance – made from a PLANT – do all the things people claim it can do? Has CBD earned its health halo? Is it some kind of miracle cure?
It is easy to understand why CBD would get a reputation as a miracle cure, because many people DO experience dramatic improvements for a long list of health conditions, and have yielded impressive results.
Before we explore the claims about CBD and how accurate they are, it is important to understand how it works in the body.
How could one family of molecules help so many maladies? The most obvious response is that they might not; all this research is preliminary and might not pan out. But scientists often propose a counter-explanation: Many chronic disorders, even though they seem distinct, are characterized by dysfunction in the same few pathways. Inflammation and oxidative stress, for example, occur in schizophrenia, metabolic disorders, heart disease and other ailments. The therapeutic magic of CBD and, in some cases, THC — and maybe some of the more than 100 other cannabinoids in cannabis — may come from the ways that, by tweaking the endocannabinoid system, they push the body away from disease toward the unruffled state scientists call homeostasis.
It is believed that the endocannabinoid system (ECS), present in all mammals (and many other animals), evolved in primitive animals over 600 million years ago. Humans and animals naturally synthesize endocannabinoids, which are chemical compounds that activate the same receptors as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the best-known active component of marijuana (Cannabis sativa).
Endocannabinoids help keep internal bodily functions running smoothly.
The endocannabinoid system is a biological system which plays many important roles in the human body. It is responsible for the physical and psychological effects of cannabis.
Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP on The Truth About Drugs and how to really start your own business enterprise - March 14th 2022 from 10:30 am - 11:30 am